tan house in the snow
Winter garage door problems is a struggle for any homeowner. As a homeowner, it’s important to maintain and prepare as much as possible before the cold weather hits. However, we understand life gets ahead of us and we often overlook our garage door. Garage doors are an easy access for most homeowners so it’s important they’re well maintained. The cold temperatures can definitely take its toll on the moving parts of a garage door. Here are some winter garage door problems one may face.

3 Garage Door Issues Homeowners Experience in the Winter:

1. Bottom Weather-stripping

The first common garage door problem can be bottom weather-stripping. Bottom weather-stripping around your garage door keeps the majority of cold air out of your garage. Due to the cold air and snow, bottom weather-stripping can crack and become damaged. In result, cold air will enter and warm air will escape. For future prevention, you can contact Sterling Door. We can provide and install top quality bottom weather-stripping that will protect your garage. Replacing this prior to the winter months will help prevent any further issues.

 2. Increased Contraction

Another common garage door problem can be winter and cold air causing increased contraction. First, garage doors come in various types. For example, wood and non-insulated steel doors. Did you know non-insulated steel and wood doors can change the shape in the colder temperatures? Thus, preventing them to work as smoothly along the tracks and hinges. In result, the garage door will not be able to open and close causing the opener to over work. In other words, due to all moving parts over working, the springs could snap next. How do you prevent all this from happening? Why, it’s lubricating the garage door and all moving parts of course! You can’t stop the door from contracting but you can lubricate. Make sure to choose a low temperature lubricant that will stay slick in the cold. Applying the lubricant to roller and hinges can make a huge difference and impact on the way the garage door moves. If you need additional help, be sure to contact Sterling Door for a full service tune up!

3. Garage Door Sensors

Snow being blown can block the sensor eyes at the bottom of your door. If your garage door won’t close, try cleaning off the lenses on the sensors. This is a very common issue and can be easily fixed. Check out our YouTube video on how to check your garage door sensors. Overall, these common winter garage door problems can be easily prevented by ensuring your prepared before the snow fall hits. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We would love to help you!

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