garage door replacement

Should you replace your garage door? If this question has ran through your mind, you may be need a new one or it might be repairable.

To help you out, here’s a list of things to consider in making your decision to repair or replace your garage door.

1. Assess the Damage

Before jumping to think you need to replace your garage door, it’s worth assessing the damage first and foremost. For example, if you have a damaged panel, you may be able to replace the panel instead the whole door.

You may be considering purchasing or replacing single parts on your own. However, most garage door repairs require a professional to avoid hurting yourself or others.

2. A Full Breakdown

Next, you could be in need of a replacement if the door is broken. If your door isn’t moving at all, then don’t force it open because it could be dangerous. It’s best to call Sterling Door at 586-412-5600, so we can provide you a safe and accurate assessment of the issue.

At Sterling Door, we always try to repair before saying replace your garage door. There still could be a chance that the fix could be simpler than you think. For example, it could be as easy as replacing a battery in your garage door remote control. Occasionally, a jam on one or more of the racks could be another reason why your garage door isn’t moving.

3. An Outdated Door

There has been great advancements in the technological safety of modern garage doors and openers, such as sensors that will stop the door from landing or something or someone.

With this in mind, it could be worth replacing your garage door, so you have the latest safety features. Additionally, this will give you peace of mind and make the home improvement project worth it.

4. A Highly-Damaged Door

Unfortunately, sometimes a garage door is damaged beyond repair. In other words, you may need to replace your garage door. If you decide not to, you could be wasting even more money trying to repair something that’s badly damaged. To rephrase it, you are putting out more time and money to repair it.

If high winds knocked a tree into your garage door, for instance, then that could be a dangerous situation. At that point, it would be best to call a garage door repair company like Sterling Door.

5. A Sagging Door

A garage door that is sagging may look bad, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you need a new one.

In this case, the professional technicians at Sterling Door may be able to repair your garage door instead of you purchasing a new one. But don’t wait, when a garage door is sagging, it needs to be looked at right away to avoid future issues.

Now that you’ve learned all about garage door repair versus replacement, you can make the decision which option is best for you. Life will be a lot easier when you don’t have to worry about whether or not your garage door will function properly.

If you’re ready to repair or replace your garage door, call Sterling Door at 586-412-5600. Or you can email us at We would love to help you out!




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