How to Maintain Your Garage Door Opener

How to Maintain Your Garage Door Opener

An automatic garage door opener is great convenience. In other words, your garage door opener allows you to open and close your garage door without ever having to sep outside your car. Rather than lifting your garage door manually, the automatic operator makes it easier to come in and out of the garage. Given these points, we recommend the following maintenance tips to keep your opener operating smoothly.

How to Prepare your Garage Door for the Fall

How to Prepare your Garage Door for the Fall

October is finally upon us, are you still wondering how to prepare your garage door for the fall? Well, we have some tips to help you! The weather is about to become even cooler, which means preparation and maintenance is needed. Your garage door is the one thing you need to cross off your checklist. Maintaining your garage door and all its moving parts twice a year will ensure a longer life for your door. After all, if you have a garage door you more than likely use it every day. Due to every day use, it’s easy to overlook the gradual issues or changes that have built up or can occur. A quick visual inspection can determine what is needed to be replaced or updated. If you would like a full garage door tune-up, Sterling Door can help!

Common Winter Garage Door Problems

Common Winter Garage Door Problems

Winter garage door problems is a struggle for any homeowner. As a homeowner, it’s important to maintain and prepare as much as possible before the cold weather hits. However, we understand life gets ahead of us and we often overlook our garage door. Garage doors are an easy access for most homeowners so it’s important they’re well maintained. The cold temperatures can definitely take its toll on the moving parts of a garage door. Here are some winter garage door problems one may face.

How Long Garage Door Springs Can Last

How Long Garage Door Springs Can Last

Garage door springs are highly important for a garage door to function. How long are your garage door springs supposed to last? As a garage door company, we often get asked this question. First, springs are usually located horizontally above the garage door, using torsion to raise and lower it. Unfortunately, a broken spring can be dangerous as it can damage the door. The answer depends on every homeowners usage and maintenance. Understanding the maintenance on springs and moving parts can prolong the life expectancy. It can also save you from multiple garage door repairs. Here is a helpful guide for you on how long springs last, reasons for breaking and proper maintenance tips.

How to Prepare your Garage Door for the Winter

How to Prepare your Garage Door for the Winter

How to prepare your garage door for the winter months can to be a huge help on extending the life of your garage door. As the cold season approaches us, it’s recommended to maintain your garage door and all moving parts. A well-maintained garage door should last you many years. After all, Michigan can have a harsh winter. What can we do to prevent a disaster from happening? Here’s some garage door winter maintenance tips as well as why you should do your best to prepare for the freezing cold weather.

Why You Should Invest In a New Garage Door Opener

Why You Should Invest In a New Garage Door Opener

How to prepare your garage door for the winter months can to be a huge help on extending the life of your garage door. As the cold season approaches us, it’s recommended to maintain your garage door and all moving parts. A well-maintained garage door should last you many years. After all, Michigan can have a harsh winter. What can we do to prevent a disaster from happening? Here’s some garage door winter maintenance tips as well as why you should do your best to prepare for the freezing cold weather.

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