garage door safety

June is National Garage Door Safety Month. We’re here to provide you some of the most common garage door accidents. Not to mention, we want your family to be safe while operating your garage door. Here are a few tips to prepare, so accidents don’t happen.

Garage Door Safety Month Tips

Garage Doors Shouldn’t Be Played With

As an adult you probably don’t run in and out of your garage door. Surprisingly, over 100 children per year are injured playing with garage doors. Garage door systems are heavy and have a lot of moving parts. With this in mind, garage doors shouldn’t be used for anything other than its intended purpose.While this may be true, the best way to avoid any accidents is to educate children. This includes playing safely around the garage door. To put it another way, be sure to show them the sensor and how it works.

Accidental Traps

Did you know dozens of people every year risk their fingers getting caught in a garage door? It’s important to realize that you need to keep your body away from the garage door. After all, garage doors are usually the heaviest moving object of a home. We recommend opening and closing your garage door using the operator. A remote, wall console or keyless entry can also operate the door. To put it another way, don’t try to manually open or close the garage door.

Broken Garage Door

A garage door that doesn’t look right can be dangerous. Don’t operate a faulty garage door. Because a garage door is made up of heavy parts, it’s a good idea to perform yearly maintenance on a door. Specifically, lubricating the door and checking the parts. If you need help, you can always contact Sterling Door at 586-412-5600 for a garage door tune-up.

Garage Door Springs

Garage door springs shouldn’t be touched unless you’re an expert. Hundreds of people per year suffer from injuries. Some of those accidents are from those trying to fix a broken garage door spring. This number could be less by contacting a professional to help you fix the problem.

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