garage door sensor

What is a garage door sensor?

There are a few ways to check your garage door sensors. First things first, what is a garage door sensor? A garage door sensor is the a device that detects objects in the path of the door. There are two garage door sensors, one on each side of the garage door. One sensor sends the signal and the other one is receiving the signal. In between the sensors, there is an invisible beam of light that monitors the movement of your garage door. In other words, If there is anything in the way of the signal the safety sensors will reverse the garage door back to the starting position. Thus not allowing the garage door to close.

How to know if the garage door sensors don’t work?

Each garage door sensor has an LED light. If the LED light is on the receiving end is blinking, you may have issues with the garage door sensor alignment. In other words, an object may be blocking the beam or signal of the sensors. Garage door safety sensors are typically placed 6 inches off the ground, so it’s possible for many things to get in the way. Another way to know if you’re having garage door sensor issues is your garage door opener should blink and flash or the garage door opener will make a clicking sound.

How to align your garage door sensors

Overall, knowing how to check your garage door sensors will help determine the cause of the problem. Aligning your garage door sensors will allow your garage door to move freely up and down.

Here are step by steps on how to check your sensors and how to proceed accordingly:

  1. Check to see If both sensors have a solid light
  2. If you have a flickering light or no light, get down on your hands and knees to check if they are straight.
  3. Identify the sensor that’s out of alignment.
  4. Adjust the sensor so both lights are solid. (Please note: It is common for the sensor lights to be different colors).
  5. After taking these steps, make sure all cobwebs and dust are clear from the glass part of each sensor.

If you need assistance adjusting your garage door sensors, call Sterling Door at 586-412-5600. We’re always here for you! Also, be sure to check out our BLOG for demonstrations on how to check your sensors. You can also check out our YouTube channel!

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