garage door in the winter

How to prepare your garage door for the winter months can to be a huge help on extending the life of your garage door. As the cold season approaches us, it’s recommended to maintain your garage door and all moving parts. A well-maintained garage door should last you many years. After all, Michigan can have a harsh winter. What can we do to prevent a disaster from happening? Here’s some garage door winter maintenance tips as well as why you should do your best to prepare for the freezing cold weather.

How The Cold Can Affect Your Garage Door

When colder temperatures hit, it can be a huge problem for your garage door. That’s why it’s important to how to prepare your garage door for the winter and keep it well maintained. If not, it can add a lot of stress to the door and moving parts. For example, lubrication can dry out or the door can become denser as the temperatures drop. In addition, this can add more work into the garage door springs, rollers and other components.

Another issue that can be caused is heat transfer. If your garage is not properly insulated then warm air can enter a home from the garage. Furthermore, this could result in turning up the heat in the home and paying more in energy costs.

The third reason the cold can affect your garage door is snow. Snow can collect at your garage door, which could make it harder to open and close. Snow can also add moisture to various parts of the garage door causing them to stick. Moisture from the snow may also cause damage to the sensitive electronics in a garage door keypad and opener.

Tips to Prevent Garage Door Damage

As stated above, it is crucial to take certain precautionary measures to prevent such problems from happening. Here are some helpful steps to take to prepare and protect your garage door in the winter months.

     1. Check the weather stripping

In order to prevent snow, moisture and cold from entering inside a garage door, checking your weather stripping can really help. Make sure the bottom and side weather stripping is all intact. Even a small crack or gap in the weatherstripping is useless. If you see any cracks, damage or gaps be sure to give Sterling Door a call.

      2. Lubricate all Moving Parts

Lubricant is a must-have for any homeowner. Lubricating all moving parts, including the springs, rollers and tracks. Doing so can prevent drying or freezing effects.

     3. Get Rid of the Snow

Snow can easily collect in and around a garage door. If you see any snow, get rid of it immediately before it melts or freezes. Always try and keep a shovel or snow blower handy to quickly remove the snow.

     4. Check your Garage Door Sensors

Garage door sensors are an important part of a garage door. Sensors are an important safety feature. If enough snow builds up on one or both sensors, they are not able to make the connection. In other words, that connection tells a garage door it’s ok to operate. If a door is not closing, always make sure the snow or any other debris is not blocking the signal.

How to prepare a garage door for the winter can be extremely helpful. The operation of a garage door can affect you from being able to enter and exit your home. Knowing these remedies that prevent any complications during the harsh winters. Check out Clopay’s site for more issues related to garage doors in the winter. If there are any additional questions or concerns be sure to reach out via phone, email or website. Sterling Door: 586-412-5600 and email:

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