white garage door

With harsh winter weather approaching the Metro Detroit area, it is important to protect your garage door from the snowstorm. Because garage doors are considered the the strongest and most durable equipment of a home, they often get overlooked. As a matter of fact, you want to remember to protect your garage door from a snowstorm.

Ways to Protect Your Garage Door From A Snowstorm


Before Snowstorm

  • Lubricate all Moving Parts. When temperatures drop, the moving parts of your garage door such as tracks, hinges, rollers and springs tend to stick and stall out. Before a snowstorm, be sure to lubricate all these parts, so your garage door can run smoothly and last long.
  • Prepare Snowblowers and Shovels. As soon as you know the snow is coming, have your snowblowers and shovels ready and easy to find. Without a doubt, these are the two most important tools you can use to clear the snow as it piles up in and around your home and garage door. Make sure your snowblower is working properly and has plenty of gas.
  • Lay Down Salt or Sand in your Driveway. Generally sand and salt will help give you traction to get in and out of your driveway. During or after a snowstorm, snow tends to pile up in and around your garage door. Putting salt or sand down can help can prevent your from colliding inside your garage door when the ground is slick.

During Snowstorm

  • Shovel as the snow is still falling. During a snowstorm, obviously snow can pile up around your garage door. As soon as it begins to snow, start shoveling. Shoveling as the snow begins to accumulate can help with the operation of your door.
  • Shovel to the ground. It is important when you shovel to the ground especially when the ground is wet and the snow is accumulating. By doing this can help prevent snow from melting or refreezing near your garage door.

After the Snowstorm

  • Look Over Metal Parts on door. There are many metal parts that make up a garage door. Generally when the temperatures drop, metal parts especially on a garage door tend to contract. The construction can cause issues for garage doors. Because of this, make sure to check all the moving parts of your door. Equally as important, remove any salt or snow near your garage door.

If you need assistance with your garage door before, during or after a winter storm, give Sterling Door a call at 586-412-5600 or email us.

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