improve the security of your garage


If you’re looking to keep your home safe and secure, it’s important to make sure your garage is safe and and secure. Most interior entry doors are left unlocked. In other words, if someone has access to your garage, they can gain access to the inside of your home.

Here is a list of tips you can do to improve the security of your garage.

1. Don’t Leave Your Garage Door Open

The first tip to improving the security of your garage is to not leave your garage door open. Typically everyone closes their garage door at night, but we also recommend closing your garage door during the day. For example, consider closing your garage door if you’re working out in the backyard. That prevents people from seeing what is stored in your garage. You could also close it as soon as you get home, so no one can access the inside of your home from your garage.

2. Invest in Frosted Windows or Blinds

Secondly to improve security of your garage is to invest in frosted windows or blinds, so no one can see inside your garage. If you have valuable items in your garage, frosted windows or blinds can prevent burglars from knowing what is in your garage. Usually if burglars can’t see what is in your garage, they won’t take the time to get inside.

3. Don’t Keep a Garage Door Opener in Your Car

Garages are meant to house cars, but not everyone has room in their garage to park. One mistake that some homeowners make is leaving their garage door opener in their vehicle. All a burglar needs to do is gain access to your car then they can get inside your home! A better spot to keep the garage door opener is in your purse or a briefcase.

4. Purchase a Sturdy Garage Door

Some garage doors can be more sturdy than others. Wooden and steel garage doors are the most secure. Also new garage doors are more secure than older models. If you have an older garage door or one that is warped or damaged, you may consider replacing it. If you are in the market for a new garage door, feel free to give us a call at 586-412-5600. Or you can email us at We’re always here for you!




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